
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Here's a little peek......... what I've been crafting!  I am making a goal to write more blog posts here in 2013.  It will be my way of sharing what I'm up to as well as a way to showcase items that I'm planning to make for sale this year.

As I sit here writing this post, here is my view.  (See photo below.)

You can see my awesome new cozy socks, a Christmas gift from my oldest son.  I LOVE COZY SOCKS!!!  My little sweetheart, Lucky, is always close by when I'm crafting.  In the distance you can see my TV where I'm watching a cheesy movie on Lifetime.  You can see athletic shoes on the treadmill because one day, very soon, I'll put them on and walk on said treadmill.  Really!  I'm not kidding!  There are a few crafty creations in this photo that I'll post about over the next few days.  See if you can spot them!!

When I'm finished typing this post and publishing it, I'm going to finish the dishcloth I started knitting last night to use up some Christmas yarn I hadn't done anything wish.  These knit up super fast, are super easy, and make great gifts.  I use this pattern which is often called "Grandma's Favorite Dishcloth."

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