
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Etsy shop

After getting a few orders from folks who need to have items shipped, I decided the best way to handle this in terms of shipping and payment would be to set up an Etsy shop.  I've had the name "Walnut Hill Handmade" saved over at Etsy since November 2010.  Today I finally took the plunge and got it up and running.  CLICK HERE to check it out.  I have sold pretty much all of the items I've made so far and have taken orders for custom items.  Once I get those finished, I'm hoping to have some new things in the shop.  There is also a link to the shop on the sidebar of the blog.  If you are a local customer (SW Iowa), just email me about what you want instead of going through Etsy.  That way you won't be charged shipping.  THANKS for all the love so far!  It's so encouraging.

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